Summer Programs 2025
Now Enrolling for Summer 2025!

Week- Long Groups
Boys Minecraft (Ages 5-9)
Dates: Monday June 23rd-Thursday June 26th
Time: 11-12:30pm
Leader: Kate Sargent
Description: Minecraft Club focuses on fostering social communication and emotional learning through Minecraft-themed activities. Participants will practice creativity, flexible problem solving, frustration tolerance, collaboration, and teamwork. Internet safety skills will also be incorporated.
Girls Minecraft (Ages 6-12)
Dates: Monday June 23rd-Thursday June 26th
Time: 1-2:30pm
Leader: Kate Sargent
Description: Minecraft Club focuses on fostering social communication and emotional learning through Minecraft-themed activities. Participants will practice creativity, flexible problem solving, frustration tolerance, collaboration, and teamwork. Internet safety skills will also be incorporated.
Tween Gamers (Ages 10-13)
Dates: Monday June 23rd-Thursday June 26th
Time: 3-4:30
Leader: Kate Sargent
Description: Similar to Minecraft club, Tween Gamers Club focuses on social communication and emotional learning through age-appropriate video games. Participants will practice teamwork, turn-taking, communication, and conflict resolution while building positive interactions, managing emotions and collaborating with peers in a supportive environment designed to enhance their social skills.
Sing, Dance & Shake It Off (Ages 7-11)
Dates: Monday July 7th-Thursday July 10th
Time: 1-2:30pm
Leader: Erika Fitzgerald & Shannon Harper-Bison
Description: This Taylor Swift-themed group combines music and dance with social skill-building. Participants will engage in singing, dancing, and fun activities inspired by Taylor’s music, practicing teamwork, self-expression and communication while forming lasting friendships.
Recess Games (Ages 5-8)
Dates: Monday July 7th-Thursday July 10th
Time: 3-4pm
Leader: Rosie Ruley
Description: This group teaches children the skills needed for successful outdoor play with peers. Participants will learn popular recess games, practice their rules through repetition, and develop strategies to start and maintain peer interactions while building confidence in social play.
Sensory Squad (Ages 5-8)
Dates: Monday July 14th- Thursday July 16th
Time: 1:30-2:30
Leader: Kristen Kelly
Description: Sensory Squad offers activities that engage the senses while building essential skills. Participants will explore textures, manipulate items, and tolerate new experiences while working on following directions, emotional regulation, and collaborative play. Activities will integrate sensory exploration with expected behaviors in a fun, supportive environment.
Inside Out (Ages 5-8)
Dates: Monday July 21st-Thursday July 24th
Time: 1:30-3:00pm
Leader: Kristen Kelly
Description: This program explores emotions through activities inspired by the Disney Pixar film Inside Out. Each session focuses on one emotion (Joy, Disgust, Anger, Fear, Anxiety or Sadness) and uses art, music, role-playing and group games to help participants identify and regulate their feelings. The Zones of Regulation curriculum will be integrated to support emotional coping strategies.
PokePals Club (Ages 11-15) & PokePals Crew (Ages 6-10)
Dates: Monday July 28th – Thursday July 31st
Time: 1:30-3:00pm & 3:30-4:30pm
Leader: Rosie Ruley
Description: This group uses Pokemon-inspired activities to build social skills such as conversational turn-taking, collaboration, and conflict resolution. Participants will deepen connections, navigate social dynamics, and build confidence in their interactions, creating meaningful friendships in a supportive environment.
Tiny Tasters (Ages 5-8)
Dates: Monday 8/4-Thursday 8/7
Time: 1:30-2:30pm
Leader: Erika Fitzgerald
Description: Tiny Tasters creates a supportive environment where children explore new foods and flavors through exciting culinary activities. Using feeding therapy techniques, participants will expand their palates and practice social skills while building confidence in an stress-free setting.
Super Chefs (Ages 9-11)
Dates: Monday 8/4-Thursday 8/7
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Leader: Erika Fitzgerald
Description: Super Chefs combines cooking and baking with skill-building. Participants will learn to measure, portion, cook, and decorate baked goods, all while practicing teamwork, social skills, and safety in the kitchen. Recipes can be Brough home to share with family.
Crafty Tales (Ages 4-6)
Dates: Monday 8/11-Thursday 8/14
Time: 1:30-3:00pm
Leaders: Jenn Chipman & Erika Fitzgerald
Description: Crafty Tales combines story telling with hands-on crafts to enhance reading comprehension, sequencing, and fine motor skills. Participants will discuss story elements, answer questions and complete a craft related to the book, fostering a love for reading and creativity.
Save the Drama (Ages 6+)
Dates: Monday 8/11-Thursday 8/14
Time: 1:30-3:00pm
Leader: Rita Larkin
Description: Save the Drama is performing arts-based group where kids explore creativity and build confidence. Through drama exercises, participants will practice recognizing emotions, empathy, communication, and teamwork while creating characters and scenes. The final session will feature a performance for families!
Weekly Groups
Boys Weekly Group (Ages 7-9)
Dates: Every Tuesday 7/8-8/19
Time: 4:30-5:30
Leader: Rosie Ruley
Description: This group combines fun and skill-building in a relaxed setting. Participants will revisit previously learned social skills through engaging activities while enjoying seasonal fun.
Girls Weekly Group (Ages 6-9)
Dates: Every Thursday 7/10-8/21
Time: 4:30-5:30
Leader: Erika Fitzgerald
Description: This group combines fun and skill-building in a relaxed setting. Participants will revisit previously learned social skills through engaging activities while enjoying seasonal fun.